Research Overview
A majority of the research I have done is centered around Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs). These functions represent parameterized fits to experimental data and are designed to describe the probability of quarks and gluons within the proton interacting in a particle collider.
ManeParse is a package that provides access to PDFs within Mathematica to facilitate making calculations and visualization. The package consists of a pair of parsing routines for standard PDF file formats (LHAPDF '.dat' and CTEQ '.pds'), a calculation subpackage with a custom interpolation routine, and an error analysis subpackage. This work was published in Computer Physics Communications, July 2017.
As a member of the nCTEQ collaboration, I helped to introduce a new C++ based code for fitting PDFs to experimental data. This code, nCTEQ++ dramatically changed the way PDF fitting with in the collaboration is done and I used it to produce many of the results in my dissertation.
Data Visualization
Unless you can communicate what you did to an audience, research has little impact beyond your immediate working group. Thus, I lead my collaboration's effort to visualize the results from fitting PDFs using Python and Mathematica.